
Showing posts from May, 2021

6 Reasons To Design Your Life (Video)

You are not a victim. You have the power to take control of your life. In fact you must take control to live your best life.

Memorial Day Weekend 2021. Restart, Reboot, Reinventing...

  Memorial Day Weekend 2021. Restart, Reboot, Reinventing after this season of COVID.  Planting for a new season of growth. Creating a better normal. Living My Best Life. Being  all that I can be. Being aware of what I learned. Striving for better. Attitude of Gratitude.  Hopeful. Reinvent

Working from home this past year, during this season of COVID19....

  Working from home over this last year, I shared some pictures on social media.  A lot of people liked my artwork.. We got the opportunity to visit Dreams Dominicus La Romona  Dominican Republic c Ju l S r a y p o a   2 t 4 , r n s   s o r i 2 s e 0 1 d s o d r n 9    ·  Bayahibe, Dominican Republic    ·  Shared with Public Right up the beach from the resort is where we found the beautiful artwork. Click Here To See More... We love to travel. How about you?

Your Life By Design (Video)

Our new e-book Your Life By Design will help you in getting to know  yourself,  understanding your core values, and in determining your goals for life. Email Me To Request Your FREE Copy!

5 Ways To Build Your Personality

  Your personality is what makes you a unique human being. It encompasses your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and while you may like all aspects of your character, you may notice that others don’t always have a positive reaction to specific traits. Or perhaps you recognize some bad habits you have developed over the years and are wishing to make a change. If you are looking for ways to enhance your personality, to build new character traits that mean others are more comfortable with you, then we’ve got you covered. Here are five ways to develop your personality. #1. Discover Everything You Can About Yourself Spend some time really evaluating who you are, what you like, how you behave, and how others react to you. Take time to notice how people respond to things you do and say, see what others appreciate most about you, and purposefully observe how you interact with others in different types of situations. Make a list of your personality traits that you think are strengths and ident

6 Signs You Live A Fake Ass Life

  Leading a life that is inauthentic means you are not being true to yourself and your beliefs. A fake life is one that is led to please others but does not please you. When you decide to live more authentically, you make the choice to accept yourself, including your flaws and strengths. You make decisions based on what you value and believe, and you stop engaging in self-defeating habits that thwart your success and ability to reach your goals. To live a real life, one that is not fake to yourself or others, means you know yourself well, you act in ways that uphold your beliefs, and you stop judging yourself and others for being less than perfect creatures. How can you tell if you’re living a fake life versus one that is truly authentic? Here are six signs to watch out for. #1. You spend money on things to help you “cope” with your life. Whether it’s expensive foods, manicures, massages, or new clothes, if part of you feels the need to engage in “retail therapy” just to relieve stress

Designing Your Life: Considering Your Most Important Goals

  In the “Design Your Life” movement pioneered by Dave Evans and Bill Burnett, design principles are used to make life decisions. In this way, your life becomes the tool or system that you use to solve problems or achieve your goals. There are other articles out there that talk about designing your life to solve or improve problems, but this article will talk about designing your life to meet goals. Design to solve problems is different from design to achieve goals in many ways, not least of which is that goals can often be seen from further off than problems. Your Most important Goals Should Be A Little Vague When considering your most important goals, it is important to make them somewhat vague. The grand-scheme of what we want for our lives isn’t likely to change too much over time, but how we expect to achieve it can change drastically. Of course, that’s okay, but it’s best to make plans that can fit different trajectories. Think of it this way: If you plan to take a road trip and

Designing Your Self: Blocking Out External Noise

  What choices are you making today that define who you are? Designing your life enables you to identify exactly who it is you want to be and what it is you want to do. Your life is the greatest thing you will ever manage. You are the CEO  of your life. You are responsible for the majority of the choices you make. Designing Your Life Designing your life demands that you have an open mind. It bestows power and trust in the palms of your hands to  construct your life and live it the way that is best for you and not so much in the way that others might expect or want  you to live it. Imagine this process as being somewhat similar to flipping a house. Sometimes you have to take a home down to  it's studs to rebuild something better. Here are a few actions you can take to design your life and block out the external noise. Demolition Day Designing your life emphasizes the need for a wee bit of demolition. It may require you to break down a few walls,  break up a few floors, and evaluate

A Woman’s Guide to Designing Her Greatest Self

  We all want to be the best version of ourselves as we can be. This takes time, self-reflection, diligence, and willpower. You have to take great care in designing your life and yourself. This process can be even more challenging for women, as we tend to struggle in putting ourselves first and taking time for ourselves. Designing your best self involves a fair amount of self-analyzing; you’ll need to identify and address your faults and be patient enough to handle slow, incremental changes. This process can’t happen overnight. In this article, we’ll walk you through this process and tell you how you can design your greatest self. Be Open to New Things The first step in designing your greatest self is to try new things. Be open to new opportunities and adventures. You might be surprised at how much this simple act can change you and your path in life. Try new things, learn new skills, meet new people, explore new places; you never know where you might end up or how it might change you.

Designing Your Life: Prioritizing Your Priorities

Setting priorities in your life allows you to focus on what is important to you, to determine what is urgent and needs your attention, and to cut through the clutter that is keeping you from achieving your goals. Figuring out your priorities means you identify what is truly important for you and, therefore, dedicate your time to those tasks, experiences, and people that fulfill your values and beliefs. Today’s society pulls you in many different directions. It demands you pay attention to a lot of things, and it tries to convince you that all of these things are urgent and necessary. This places you in a perpetual cycle of reacting to things rather than proactively planning how you spend your time. There is tremendous pressure today to put others’ priorities before your own and learning to place your own needs above others is an essential life skill. This type of focus on other peoples’ demands and needs can quickly lead to disillusionment and dissatisfaction in life. Your priorities g

Designing Your Life: An Anatomy of Choices

  An important component to designing your own life is acknowledging and understanding the choices you have in your life, being willing to make the most of those choices, and leveraging the choices you have to select the best path forward for yourself. Life is not something that just happens to you, and you always have choices. The key to designing the life you really want is knowing exactly what your options are and using all the information at your disposal to make the best selection for you. Your life is defined by the choices you make. While not everything that happens in your life is up to you, how you respond to life’s circumstances and opportunities is always a matter of choice. Even when you choose not to act or react in your life, you are still making a decision, so there is nothing that is beyond your control. Becoming Aware of Your Choices There are certain things in life you cannot control. For example, you have no control over the circumstances of your birth or family, you

Designing Your Life: Key Considerations

  Dave Evans and Bill Burnett, the Director of Stanford’s Design Program, has come to the conclusion that we can improve our lives by applying the principles of design. True, “designing your life” isn’t quite like designing a consumer project, or a webpage. However, design is all about solving problems and foreseeing problems that may come up and finding ways around them. Whether you think that designing your life sounds inspiring, too difficult, or too ridiculous, read about these key considerations and see how you feel then. Your Core Values Your values should always be a key consideration in designing your greatest life, let them guide you to where you want to be. Experimentation You may think, especially if you are an older reader, that it is too late for you to design your life. After all, things are supposed to be designed before they’re made and you’re already here, right? Design is actually a little more complicated than that. Sure, things are designed before they’re made, but